Regina Badriya Harrison
Date: 2006-11-15 16:30:36 UTC
Subject: Re: [ferrethealth] Re: Soft stools (was possible campylobacter)
>From: "ytonytcla" <>
> Some of that sounds similiar to Suki, you use the
> word "was"
> when describing his symptoms, is the improvement due
> to the
> prednisone?
Yes, within about five days after starting the prednisone his stool had improved considerably and he was clearly a happier ferret. He'd also been dong some teeth-grinding, and that stopped as well. His weight fluctuates, but average is probably about 1300g (too much for his frame!), and his prednisone is, now that I'm looking at the label, actually prenisolone 5mg/5ml (pediapred), and he gets 1.2ml once per day.
He is also on a no grain diet, which seems to benefit him as well. We started feeding exclusively Innova Evo Ferret kibble a couple of weeks after starting the predinsolone and saw more improvement at that time. (I would worry about feeding him only one type of kibble, but this ferret never met a kibble he didn't like)
He is maintaining reasonably well on this, but I expect we will have to add Imuran as time goes by since his biopsy indicated that his case was severe.
"Is that my business? Well, what is my business? Do I know? Did I ever know? Let's not go into that. You're not human tonight, Marlowe. Maybe I never was or ever will be... Maybe we all get like this in the cold half-lit world where always the wrong thing happens and never the right."
--Raymond Chandler, The Little Sister