Message Number: FHL464 | New FHL Archives Search
From: Jen Phillips
Date: 2007-04-07 07:40:44 UTC
Subject: [ferrethealth] Anemia

Hello everyone,

I'm writing about my 7 year old girl, Loki. I had her in to the vet for
a checkup and bloodwork this past week because she seemed a bit more
lazy than usual, and I kept thinking she seemed pale. Her bloodwork
showed that she's anemic.

Here's the results of her CBC:

WBC 3.1
RBC 2.45
MCV 70
MCH 21.2
MCHC 30.2

Vet Comments: Platelets Markedly Low

She also had an ultrasound done which revealed a 3cm right adrenal
gland, so the vet is pretty sure that adrenal disease is the cause of
Loki's anemia. We also had a bone marrow sample taken, which we are
waiting for results for to confirm the diagnosis.

While waiting for the results of the bone marrow biopsy, Loki has gone
downhill. She's getting weaker, and has had some bruising on her
abdominal area. We are taking her to the nearby emergency center for a
blood transfusion tomorrow (by now I guess it's later today, Saturday).

Our vet did some searching on his network to find out more, but was
hoping to find some more information that could help us out for this
particular situation.

The info he already found suggests that meds aren't very effective. He
was hoping for more info on meds. Could meds help? If so, which meds
are best?

We were hoping that surgery would be possible to remove the right
adrenal gland, but she's in no shape for surgery at this point. If we
can get her built back to a healthier state, would surgery be the best
choice for her then?

Any information that you all might have would great. I'll also be
searching the FHL archives and then will printing any info I can find
there as well as any replies that I might receive, to take along for
him. He's very interested in any info I can get ahold of, so that we
can do the best thing for her as soon as possible.

Thank you,

Happy Dookin',
The Hidey Hole Gang -
Jen, Mike & The Critters
The Ferrets - Loki & Vivi
The Rats - Ruby, Selphie, Rikku & Trillian
Missing Jamocha, Fria & Duke (ferrets)
Algernon, Plato, Mystique & Boo(rats)
Punk (hedgehog) & Dixie (chicken)

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