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2001-05-01 00:59:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] re: Coccidia in kits YG3094
2001-05-01 01:38:00 Jacqueline Snyder Re: Coccidia in kits YG3084
2001-05-01 02:10:00 Lynn Siegel Ferret crashing, intestines all on right side of body. YG3090
2001-05-01 03:49:00 Re: Arthur is gone YG3083
2001-05-01 03:56:00 Donna Lee Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Snappy YG3109
2001-05-01 04:07:00 Donna Lee Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Frontline spray question YG3092
2001-05-01 04:31:00 ferretfanatic re: Frontline for earmites? YG3097
2001-05-01 04:33:00 ferretfanatic to moderators::: YG3096
2001-05-01 05:25:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Digest Number 152/Kim on DR YG3091
2001-05-01 05:41:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Digest Number 155/Kim with itchy YG3085
2001-05-01 06:52:00 Jill Galindo More on Skin-So-Soft YG3093
2001-05-01 07:04:00 [Ferret-Health-list] Frontline vs Advantage YG3087
2001-05-01 07:20:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Appearance of small YG3088
2001-05-01 07:34:00 Christopher Re: ferrets & newborns/kids & pets YG3110
2001-05-01 08:14:00 Tracy Jose Re: Ear Problems! YG3098
2001-05-01 09:55:00 2nd Post...Dr.'s please help! YG3095
2001-05-01 11:34:00 Georgia Bambaci Possible Adrenal? YG3108
2001-05-01 11:36:00 daniel cahill Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Snappy YG3116
2001-05-01 12:43:00 Mike Janke Re: Skippy, Bugsy and ECE YG3113
2001-05-01 12:44:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Skippy, Bugsy and ECE YG3105
2001-05-01 12:49:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: coccidia YG3106
2001-05-01 13:00:00 Karen Kerns [Ferret-Health-list] First Distemper Vaccine YG3100
2001-05-01 13:04:00 Mike Janke Re: First Distemper Vaccine YG3107
2001-05-01 14:35:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Ferret crashing, intestines all on right side of body. YG3102
2001-05-01 14:35:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Ferret crashing, intestines all on right side of body. YG3103
2001-05-01 14:37:00 Sukie Crandall Re: Bob C: Albinism, Depigmentation, and Domestication YG3099
2001-05-01 14:45:00 Good Ferret Vet in Colorado YG3119
2001-05-01 14:50:00 Debbie F Epogen YG3118
2001-05-01 14:51:00 Debbie F Glucose levels after sitting YG3114
2001-05-01 15:12:00 Glenn Johnson Adrenal and meds YG3112
2001-05-01 15:25:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: 2nd Post...Dr.'s please help! YG3104
2001-05-01 16:01:00 Meds online? YG3124
2001-05-01 16:10:00 Lymphosarcoma treatments and scratching YG3121
2001-05-01 20:57:00 RRC Re: Pig ears YG3115
2001-05-01 20:59:00 katharine Quarantines YG3117
2001-05-01 21:00:00 katharine Quarantines Part 2 YG3111
2001-05-02 00:36:00 CRAIG JONES Best food for a ferret YG3120
2001-05-02 01:01:00 Lynne Troy Re: More on Skin-So-Soft YG3134
2001-05-02 03:55:00 Steve Austin Re: 8 in 1 foods YG3123
2001-05-02 04:23:00 Psalm 366 conjested heart failure YG3122
2001-05-02 04:26:00 insulinoma surgery--? for Dr. Williams YG3125
2001-05-02 04:53:00 Alicia Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Ferret crashing, intestines all on YG3126
2001-05-02 07:11:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Ear Mite Problems! YG3129
2001-05-02 07:26:00 Nan and Sandy Sanders worms YG3127
2001-05-02 07:51:00 Rachel Parra My very sick ferret YG3139
2001-05-02 07:53:00 Margaret Appearance of small "worm-like" shapes in rescue YG3128
2001-05-02 08:12:00 Partial Hepatectomy YG3146
2001-05-02 09:36:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Epogen YG3132
2001-05-02 10:00:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Glucose levels after sitting YG3135
2001-05-02 10:32:00 Mary R. Shefferman Re: Epogen YG3131
2001-05-02 10:57:00 Re: Epogen YG3130
2001-05-02 11:16:00 More Ferrets?!? Woody's last hurrah YG3141
2001-05-02 11:24:00 re: intestines pushed to the right. YG3150
2001-05-02 11:27:00 katharine Epogen YG3142
2001-05-02 12:31:00 Kevin Emergency....Dr Williams et al YG3140
2001-05-02 13:16:00 Ann Ladendorf Re: Perforated Intestine YG3157
2001-05-02 13:38:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Appearance of small "worm-like" shapes in rescue YG3133
2001-05-02 13:57:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: First Distemper Vaccine YG3137
2001-05-02 14:16:00 The Divide Homeowners Assoc. Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Epogen YG3149
2001-05-02 14:19:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Possible Adrenal? YG3136
2001-05-02 14:21:00 The Divide Homeowners Assoc. Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Good Ferret Vet in Colorado YG3147
2001-05-02 14:26:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Quarantines YG3138
2001-05-02 14:46:00 Steve Austin Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Best food for a ferret YG3152
2001-05-02 14:50:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: insulinoma surgery--? for Dr. Williams YG3143
2001-05-02 15:00:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: conjested heart failure YG3144
2001-05-02 15:05:00 Sukie Crandall Re: conjested heart failure YG3145
2001-05-02 15:17:00 Sukie Crandall important tip, and a request YG3148
2001-05-02 15:31:00 Correct Lupron dosage YG3153
2001-05-02 15:45:00 Mike Janke Re: My very sick ferret YG3151
2001-05-02 16:50:00 Chris & Dave Mathis, Oregon Ferret Shelter Question for the vets YG3154
2001-05-02 16:59:00 Steve Austin Re: [Ferret-Health-list] My very sick ferret YG3155
2001-05-02 20:48:00 katharine Food for Sick Ferret YG3156
2001-05-02 22:02:00 Mike Janke Re: Food for Sick Ferret YG3158
2001-05-02 23:09:00 Mike Janke Re: Correct Lupron dosage YG3159
2001-05-02 23:34:00 Sandra Johns charts YG3162
2001-05-02 23:48:00 Karen Purcell, DVM Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Question for the vets YG3167
2001-05-03 01:09:00 Sukie Crandall Was Re: conjested heart failure, Now questions YG3160
2001-05-03 01:14:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Partial Hepatectomy YG3175
2001-05-03 01:25:00 Sukie Crandall Re: Adrenal and meds YG3161
2001-05-03 01:36:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Emergency....Dr Williams et al YG3163
2001-05-03 01:39:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: charts YG3164
2001-05-03 01:55:00 Renee Rider Re: Good Ferret Vet in Colorado/especiallyferrets YG3168
2001-05-03 02:19:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Question for the vets YG3165
2001-05-03 02:45:00 Sukie Crandall MARGIE Attention: ECE question YG3166
2001-05-03 02:48:00 Brett Middleton Re: charts YG3169
2001-05-03 02:50:00 Georgia Ferret Vets in NY YG3171
2001-05-03 03:10:00 Pam Sessoms Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Food for Sick Ferret YG3170
2001-05-03 03:15:00 Troy Lynn Eckart I stepped on Scooby... YG3172
2001-05-03 03:25:00 Margaret Coccidia YG3173
2001-05-03 03:35:00 Re: More on Skin-So-Soft YG3174
2001-05-03 04:46:00 Steve Austin Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Coccidia YG3176
2001-05-03 04:55:00 Melissa Russo Re: [Ferret-Health-list] charts YG3178
2001-05-03 05:15:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Partial Hepatectomy YG3187
2001-05-03 05:28:00 [Ferret-Health-list] RE: My very sick ferret YG3188
2001-05-03 05:40:00 Re: Vaccine Reaction- Long Term Effects? YG3177
2001-05-03 05:47:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Food for Sick Ferret YG3189
2001-05-03 05:51:00 V. C. [Ferret-Health-list] Best food for a ferret YG3179
2001-05-03 06:23:00 heat source after surgery YG3180
2001-05-03 07:43:00 Re: Partial Hepatectomy YG3181
2001-05-03 07:53:00 The Divide Homeowners Assoc. Re: [Ferret-Health-list] My very sick ferret YG3182
2001-05-03 08:32:00 Diana Ashton Ringo's insulinoma YG3186
2001-05-03 08:38:00 Tracy Jose Re: Prolapsed Rectum & Coccidia YG3185
2001-05-03 08:42:00 Mike Janke Re: Food for Sick Ferret YG3183
2001-05-03 08:50:00 Mike Janke Re: heat source after surgery YG3184
2001-05-03 09:19:00 Sukie Crandall Re: Correct Lupron dosage YG3190
2001-05-03 09:20:00 Shelley Knudsen Neurological disease - cervical chordoma YG3191
2001-05-03 09:48:00 Dr. Williams or other vet-Eye bulging and crusting YG3192
2001-05-03 10:01:00 Glenn Johnson Re adrenal meds YG3193
2001-05-03 10:31:00 David C. Bonesteel digest #159 YG3194
2001-05-03 10:46:00 katharine Re: Re: Food for Sick Ferret YG3195
2001-05-03 10:47:00 katharine Re: Food for Sick Ferret YG3196
2001-05-03 11:25:00 Mike Janke Re: Food for Sick Ferret YG3197
2001-05-03 11:36:00 Chris & Dave Mathis, Oregon Ferret Shelter Teddy's chronic diaherraDr Williams, YG3198
2001-05-03 12:07:00 Pam Sessoms Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Re: Food for Sick Ferret YG3199
2001-05-03 12:15:00 Rachel Parra My very sick ferret YG3200
2001-05-03 14:11:00 Re: Glucose levels after sitting YG3208
2001-05-03 14:17:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Vaccine Reaction- Long Term Effects? YG3201
2001-05-03 14:22:00 Re: Adrenal and meds YG3207
2001-05-03 14:23:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Prolapsed Rectum & Coccidia YG3202
2001-05-03 14:33:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Ringo's insulinoma YG3203
2001-05-03 14:35:00 Re: Possible Adrenal? YG3205
2001-05-03 14:37:00 Re: coccidia YG3206
2001-05-03 14:43:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Dr. Williams offline for the weekend YG3204
2001-05-03 14:57:00 Jacqueline Snyder Earliest symptoms of adrenal disease? YG3210
2001-05-03 15:11:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Letter from a dismayed vet YG3209
2001-05-03 16:21:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Teddy's chronic diaherraDr YG3211
2001-05-03 17:39:00 Sidsel L. Espersen RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Re: Food for Sick Ferret YG3212
2001-05-03 20:16:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: conjested heart failure YG3215
2001-05-03 20:48:00 katharine heat source after surgery YG3213
2001-05-03 20:58:00 RRC Re: charts YG3214
2001-05-04 00:52:00 Can you tell if the prostate is enlarged? YG3217
2001-05-04 03:30:00 Regina Harrison pred belly? YG3262
2001-05-04 03:40:00 Re: heat source after surgery YG3220
2001-05-04 04:34:00 Karen Purcell, DVM Re: heat source after surgery YG3219
2001-05-04 04:34:00 Christopher Re: Letter from a dismayed vet YG3216
2001-05-04 05:31:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] heat source after surgery YG3222
2001-05-04 05:48:00 TANSY Zithromax YG3218
2001-05-04 07:19:00 "Sukie Crandall" [Ferret-Health-list] RE: Zithromax FHL2905
2001-05-04 07:19:00 [Ferret-Health-list] RE: Zithromax YG3225
2001-05-04 07:33:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Food for Sick Ferret YG3226
2001-05-04 07:45:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Adrenal and meds YG3227
2001-05-04 07:52:00 Chris Snoberger Best food for a ferretI hope this is health related enough YG3221
2001-05-04 10:15:00 katharine Re: Food for Sick Ferret YG3223
2001-05-04 10:36:00 swamp Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: heat source after surgery YG3229
2001-05-04 11:04:00 Mike Janke Re: Food for Sick Ferret YG3224
2001-05-04 11:12:00 Susan D. Results of Arthur's necropsy YG3228
2001-05-04 11:22:00 swamp Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Letter from a dismayed vet YG3230
2001-05-04 11:40:00 swamp Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Food for Sick Ferret YG3231
2001-05-04 12:20:00 Re: Adrenal and meds YG3232
2001-05-04 13:24:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Digest Number 161 YG3239
2001-05-04 13:45:00 Psalm 366 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Ear Problems! YG3233
2001-05-04 14:10:00 Pam Sessoms Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Food for Sick Ferret YG3234
2001-05-04 16:30:00 Re Earliest Symptoms of Adrenal Disease YG3236
2001-05-04 16:38:00 Chris & Dave Mathis, Oregon Ferret Shelter Teddy's progress YG3235
2001-05-04 16:53:00 costridium spores(sp?) YG3237
2001-05-04 17:08:00 chicken meal and chicken by products question YG3238
2001-05-04 18:42:00 Mary Hart Re: [Ferret-Health-list] heat source after surgery YG3240
2001-05-04 20:19:00 RRC Bob C: Catching Up YG3241
2001-05-04 23:30:00 Amy and Jim Robbin Chronic Diarea YG3242
2001-05-04 23:49:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Digest Number 162/Katharine on low YG3246
2001-05-04 23:59:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Digest Number 162/Mike on low YG3247
2001-05-05 00:20:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Digest Number 165/Katharine low YG3248
2001-05-05 00:22:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Digest Number 165/Rob YG3249
2001-05-05 00:45:00 Re: Letter from a dismayed vet YG3243
2001-05-05 01:21:00 treats for a ferret with insulinoma YG3244
2001-05-05 02:00:00 katharine Re: Food for Sick Ferrets YG3245
2001-05-05 02:20:00 [Ferret-Health-list]RE: A/D protein level YG3251
2001-05-05 02:20:00 [Ferret-Health-list]RE: A/D protein level SG11428
2001-05-05 02:37:00 FURBALL109@AOL.COM Rabies Vaccine YG3254
2001-05-05 03:21:00 For Dr. Burgess, Dr. Murray & other vets re: interpretation YG3256
2001-05-05 05:03:00 Shelley Knudsen Re: Food for Sick Ferret YG3250
2001-05-05 05:33:00 Re: Adrenal Tumor Study [Ferret-Health-list] YG3257
2001-05-05 05:44:00 Pam Sessoms Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Food for Sick Ferrets YG3252
2001-05-05 06:15:00 Lara Carver Re best foods for a ferret YG3339
2001-05-05 06:27:00 Katie necropsy results YG3253
2001-05-05 06:54:00 Karen Purcell, DVM Re: Urgent Breeding Question YG3258
2001-05-05 06:54:00 Karen Purcell, DVM Re: Letter from a dismayed vet YG3260
2001-05-05 06:54:00 Karen Purcell, DVM Re:Rabies Vaccine YG3259
2001-05-05 07:14:00 TANSY Urgent Breeding Question YG3255
2001-05-05 07:41:00 Re: Zithromax YG3261
2001-05-05 08:37:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] heat source after surgery using YG3269
2001-05-05 08:44:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] treats for a ferret with YG3270
2001-05-05 10:15:00 Re Net-Based Info was Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Digest YG3265
2001-05-05 11:08:00 FurTulsa [Ferret-Health-list] Urgent Breeding Question YG3263
2001-05-05 11:19:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Urgent Breeding YG3264
2001-05-05 12:30:00 Linda Iroff re: chicken meal and chicken by products question YG3268
2001-05-05 12:35:00 Steve Austin Re: Adrenal Tumor Study [Ferret-Health-list] YG3274
2001-05-05 12:45:00 Thin Ferret YG3271
2001-05-05 12:47:00 [Ferret-Health-list] Re:Propecia/Proscar YG3278
2001-05-05 13:02:00 Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) relapse YG3272
2001-05-05 13:08:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Urgent Breeding YG3273
2001-05-05 13:34:00 Steve Austin Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Adrenal and meds YG3275
2001-05-05 13:44:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Urgent Breeding Question YG3276
2001-05-05 13:59:00 Re: Adrenal Tumor Study [Ferret-Health-list] YG3277
2001-05-05 14:48:00 Sukie Crandall Re: Re: Letter from a dismayed vet YG3266
2001-05-05 14:50:00 Sukie Crandall Re: Re: Adrenal Tumor Study YG3267
2001-05-05 19:30:00 FLEAS YG3279
2001-05-05 19:34:00 RRC Bob C: Ferret Molars YG3280
2001-05-05 22:16:00 katharine Re: heat source after surgery YG3281
2001-05-05 22:41:00 katharine Re:Katharine on low protein for sick ferret YG3282
2001-05-05 22:48:00 katharine Re:Rabies Vaccine YG3283
2001-05-05 23:05:00 katharine Offending Vets YG3284
2001-05-06 00:17:00 kat parsons ferret suddenly being picked on YG3285
2001-05-06 00:29:00 kat parsons IBD/PBD YG3286
2001-05-06 00:57:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] FLEAS YG3292
2001-05-06 01:06:00 Michele Abel Focer [Ferret-Health-list] Digest Number 166 YG3288
2001-05-06 01:23:00 FurTulsa Re: Offending Vets YG3287
2001-05-06 01:34:00 [Ferret-Health-list] Re:Propecia/Proscar YG3295
2001-05-06 03:29:00 Chris Lloyd Re: [Ferret-Health-list] FLEAS YG3289
2001-05-06 04:01:00 dori garro water bags for heating YG3290
2001-05-06 04:04:00 Frontline dosage? YG3291
2001-05-06 04:16:00 Jean Chiasson insulimona: pediapred dosage? YG3294
2001-05-06 05:16:00 Kevin Thanks YG3296
2001-05-06 05:29:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] ferret suddenly being picked on YG3297
2001-05-06 05:47:31 [Ferret-Health-list] Re:Propecia/Proscar YG3293
2001-05-06 06:58:00 Lara Carver YG3298
2001-05-06 07:07:00 Rebecca Walker YG3299
2001-05-06 08:13:00 Re:Propecia/Proscar YG3300
2001-05-06 09:22:00 katharine Heartworm YG3301
2001-05-06 10:03:00 Re: pred belly? YG3302
2001-05-06 11:07:00 Lisa Andersen [Ferret-Health-list] FLEAS YG3303
2001-05-06 11:51:00 Alicia RE: [Ferret-Health-list] ferret suddenly being picked on YG3305
2001-05-06 12:03:00 Re: insulimona: pediapred dosage? YG3306
2001-05-06 13:40:00 Michael Janke Re: Fleas YG3304
2001-05-06 13:41:00 Shortley, Lisa Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) relapse YG3308
2001-05-06 13:51:00 Mike Janke Re: Heartworm YG3309
2001-05-06 13:52:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Fleas YG3312
2001-05-06 14:24:00 Sukie Crandall Re: rabies vaccine ages YG3310
2001-05-06 14:29:00 Sukie Crandall Re: request for websites about ADV YG3311
2001-05-06 14:31:00 Noelle Bochichio Looking for ferret knowledgeable veterinarians YG3307
2001-05-06 18:00:00 Jayson itchy, skinny ferret YG3313
2001-05-06 20:37:00 Kristine Need help with Snowflake YG3314
2001-05-06 20:46:00 Kristine Forgot to mention about Snowflake.... YG3315
2001-05-06 23:28:00 Chris Lloyd Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Fleas YG3318
2001-05-06 23:43:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Digest Number 166/Michael and YG3316
2001-05-07 00:05:00 kat parsons RE: ferret suddenly being picked YG3317
2001-05-07 00:21:00 Re:Going on vacation YG3319
2001-05-07 01:59:00 V. C. Re: [Ferret-Health-list] My very sick ferret YG3344
2001-05-07 04:12:00 Alicia Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Need help with Snowflake YG3321
2001-05-07 05:00:00 Sukie Crandall another ADV ref. location for the person requesting YG3320
2001-05-07 05:47:00 Troy Lynn Eckart Re: funding studies YG3322
2001-05-07 06:07:00 Advantage & Frontline YG3323
2001-05-07 08:13:00 Kristine Re: Need help with Snowflake YG3329
2001-05-07 09:37:00 Michele Abel Focer RE: Laws on Rabies vaccine YG3327
2001-05-07 09:51:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] RE: ADV info YG3328
2001-05-07 09:56:00 Michele Abel Focer RE: Devil's Club Supreme AGAIN! YG3342
2001-05-07 10:05:00 [Ferret-Health-list] RE: more on A/D YG3331
2001-05-07 10:16:00 [Ferret-Health-list] RE:Eukanuba's kidney diet YG3330
2001-05-07 10:24:00 Jean Chiasson insulinoma; pediapred dosage; me again YG3340
2001-05-07 10:46:00 Karen Purcell, DVM Re: [Ferret-Health-list] itchy, skinny ferret YG3325
2001-05-07 10:46:00 Karen Purcell, DVM Re: Need help with Snowflake YG3326
2001-05-07 10:55:00 Re: Fleas/Heartworm meds YG3334
2001-05-07 11:05:00 Kristine lunny Lab Results on Snowflake YG3346
2001-05-07 11:17:00 Psalm 366 RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Urgent Breeding Question YG3335
2001-05-07 15:38:00 laugh alot Ferret hair loss on neck and belly YG3352
2001-05-07 20:11:00 Jayson Re: itchy, skinny ferret YG3332
2001-05-07 20:31:00 Kristine Re: Need help with Snowflake YG3333
2001-05-07 20:58:00 katharine A/D v K/D YG3336
2001-05-07 22:44:00 Stichting All About Ferrets jill back in season again YG3341
2001-05-07 23:11:00 Green crusties around mouth YG3338
2001-05-08 01:17:00 Anne-Marte B. Vaagan Sick Ferret YG3345
2001-05-08 01:29:00 Sukie Crandall Re: itchy, skinny ferret YG3337
2001-05-08 01:53:00 deena new ferret vaccine YG3368
2001-05-08 01:59:00 Shortley, Lisa Neurological Problems in Ferrets YG3343
2001-05-08 02:01:00 deena vaccine injection site YG3369
2001-05-08 03:42:00 - Z - fat pads vs. lymph nodes? YG3348
2001-05-08 04:17:00 Karen Purcell, DVM Re:Sick Ferret YG3347
2001-05-08 06:17:00 Re: Digest Number 166/Michael and by-product meal YG3349
2001-05-08 06:42:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] RE: Devil's Club Supreme AGAIN! YG3350
2001-05-08 07:39:00 (no subject) YG3356
2001-05-08 09:29:00 Psalm 366 heartworms YG3351
2001-05-08 09:57:00 ECE update 4 weeks in YG3353
2001-05-08 10:38:00 Susan D. yellow poop - stress related due to loss? YG3354
2001-05-08 10:53:00 Mike Janke Re: heartworms YG3355
2001-05-08 11:34:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Fleas/Heartworm meds YG3371
2001-05-08 11:43:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] RE: K/D vs Eukanuba YG3372
2001-05-08 11:56:00 ECE YG3373
2001-05-08 12:38:00 Donna Lee Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Sick Ferret YG3357
2001-05-08 13:22:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Devil's Club Supreme AGAIN! YG3358
2001-05-08 13:28:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: fat pads vs. lymph nodes? YG3359
2001-05-08 13:36:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Neurological Problems in Ferrets YG3360
2001-05-08 13:46:00 Re: (no subject) YG3367
2001-05-08 13:54:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: insulimona: pediapred dosage? YG3361
2001-05-08 14:10:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: necropsy results YG3362
2001-05-08 14:15:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Can you tell if the prostate is enlarged? YG3363
2001-05-08 14:19:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Green crusties around mouth YG3364
2001-05-08 14:30:00 Ron Carter Calling Christopher, Calling Christopher.... YG3370
2001-05-08 14:51:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: (no subject) YG3365
2001-05-08 15:00:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Please use the FHL archives! YG3366
2001-05-08 16:59:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Devil's Club Supreme :A YG3374
2001-05-08 17:02:00 TANSY what more I could find on Devil's Club aka anal? me? YG3375
2001-05-08 17:22:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Neurological Problems in Ferrets YG3376
2001-05-08 22:37:00 Erin Simkins Worms? YG3377
2001-05-08 23:26:00 Thanks to all YG3378
2001-05-09 00:01:00 Re: Baseline lab tests YG3384
2001-05-09 00:17:00 Shortley, Lisa Neurological Problems in Ferrets YG3379
2001-05-09 01:00:00 Essiac ingredients YG3380
2001-05-09 01:04:00 Re: Devil's Club Supreme :A proposal aka tansy gets YG3381
2001-05-09 01:42:00 Scaly Rear Paws YG3382
2001-05-09 02:01:00 Hiccups and baby food problem? YG3388
2001-05-09 02:22:00 Erin Simkins Worms: more specific with Sick Ferret YG3383
2001-05-09 04:30:00 Linda Iroff rotating vaccine manufacturers YG3385
2001-05-09 05:22:00 Shelley Knudsen Re: Neurological Problems in Ferrets YG3387
2001-05-09 05:28:00 Judith Eggink question on lymphoma - Dr. Williams YG3386
2001-05-09 05:36:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Essiac ingredients YG3389
2001-05-09 07:05:00 Michele Abel Focer RE: Devil's Club Supreme Survey? YG3390
2001-05-09 08:16:00 Divide Home Owners Association Lump on Harpo's behind! YG3391
2001-05-09 08:54:00 Ferretwise re: FHL post HARPO YG3392
2001-05-09 09:41:00 katharine RE: K/D vs Eukanuba YG3393
2001-05-09 14:37:00 Lisa Shortley Re: Neurological Problems in Ferrets YG3398
2001-05-09 14:41:00 Re: rotating vaccine manufacturers YG3400
2001-05-09 14:48:00 Jackie DeCarlo Re: Essiac ingredients YG3396
2001-05-09 15:01:00 Jackie DeCarlo Re: Devil's Club Supreme Survey? YG3397
2001-05-09 15:16:00 Sukie Crandall Re: Devil's Club Supreme AGAIN! YG3394
2001-05-09 15:26:00 Sukie Crandall two requests YG3395
2001-05-09 16:18:00 Susan D. archives YG3453
2001-05-09 20:49:00 Claudia Johnson need dose and more info on proscar YG3399
2001-05-10 00:21:00 Stacey Yea Cough like noises -- Dr. Williams YG3402
2001-05-10 01:03:00 Anne-Marte B. Vaagan Update on Pia YG3401
2001-05-10 01:28:00 Norm Re: Scaly Rear Paws YG3403
2001-05-10 01:44:00 - Z - Re: fat pads vs. lymph nodes? YG3404
2001-05-10 02:45:00 - Z - Re: FW: what more I could find on Devil's Club aka anal? YG3405
2001-05-10 03:19:00 StarAngels starving ferret help duck soup.. YG3406
2001-05-10 04:00:00 Jacqueline Snyder An opinion on herbs YG3407
2001-05-10 04:18:00 Mike Janke Re: starving ferret help duck soup.. YG3408
2001-05-10 04:38:00 Stormy Weather New member intro YG3409
2001-05-10 04:51:00 Alicia Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Another opinion on herbs YG3410
2001-05-10 05:26:00 Julie Reinbold Ferret is Zoning... YG3411
2001-05-10 10:36:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] starving ferret help duck soup.. YG3413
2001-05-10 13:43:00 Nightshifter vaginal discharge YG3412
2001-05-10 14:51:00 (no subject) YG3424
2001-05-10 15:54:00 Mike Janke Re: Ferret is Zoning... YG3414
2001-05-10 16:00:00 Mike Janke Re: starving ferret help duck soup.. YG3415
2001-05-10 16:15:00 FurTulsa Re: starving ferret help duck soup.. YG3416
2001-05-10 17:27:00 Re vaginal discharge was Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Digest YG3422
2001-05-10 17:43:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Update on Pia YG3423
2001-05-10 17:49:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: starving ferret help duck YG3429
2001-05-10 18:29:00 Jean Chiasson Pediapred dosage; Insulinoma YG3417
2001-05-10 18:33:00 Katherine use of Frontline on ferrets YG3418
2001-05-10 18:38:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Hiccups and baby food problem? YG3419
2001-05-10 18:42:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Lump on Harpo's behind! YG3420
2001-05-10 18:50:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: vaginal discharge YG3421
2001-05-10 19:08:00 sue Need most recent update on treating bleeding ulcers YG3425
2001-05-10 19:37:00 Lisa Andersen [Ferret-Health-list] Ferret is Zoning... YG3426
2001-05-10 19:45:00 ferret Opinion on herbs YG3427
2001-05-10 20:03:00 Michele Abel Focer Re: Herbal medicine YG3430
2001-05-10 20:22:00 Dr Williams/Bruiser YG3428
2001-05-10 22:09:00 Jean Chiasson lupron shot in the south jersey area YG3431
2001-05-10 22:15:00 Cherri Re:Ferret is Zoning... YG3432
2001-05-10 22:43:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: starving ferret help duck soup.. YG3433
2001-05-10 22:43:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: starving ferret help duck soup.. YG3434
2001-05-10 23:06:00 bill and diane killian [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Herbal medicine YG3437
2001-05-10 23:23:00 bill and diane killian [Ferret-Health-list] Opinion on herbs YG3455
2001-05-10 23:24:00 FurTulsa Benadryl Question YG3438
2001-05-10 23:28:00 Sukie Crandall Re: Another opinion on herbs YG3435
2001-05-10 23:30:00 Sukie Crandall Re: Neurological Problems in Ferrets YG3436
2001-05-10 23:40:00 Maggie's Farm Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Another opinion on herbs YG3456
2001-05-10 23:49:00 Ferretwise Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Another opinion on herbs YG3454
2001-05-11 00:05:00 Nightshifter Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: vaginal discharge YG3439
2001-05-11 01:22:00 Steve Austin Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Ferret is Zoning... YG3440
2001-05-11 04:32:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] New Super Leukemia drug announced YG3446
2001-05-11 05:12:00 - [Ferret-Health-list] lupron shot in the south YG3441
2001-05-11 05:41:00 Bruce Gaylord New Super Leukemia drug announced YG3442
2001-05-11 05:43:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] lupron shot in the south jersey YG3449
2001-05-11 06:41:00 Claudia Johnson my unreadable post -need proscar info now YG3443
2001-05-11 07:26:00 Debi Rodvelt mystery cyst has come back YG3445
2001-05-11 07:43:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] mystery cyst has come back YG3450
2001-05-11 08:18:00 alicia use of frontline on ferrets YG3447
2001-05-11 08:30:00 Steph [Ferret-Health-list] lupron shot in the south YG3444
2001-05-11 09:24:00 R Downs Re: Teenager Needs Help (followup) YG3448
2001-05-11 12:29:00 Steph [Ferret-Health-list] mystery cyst has come back YG3451
2001-05-11 13:09:00 StarAngels re on Skinny ferret starving YG3452
2001-05-11 14:30:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] New Super Leukemia drug announced YG3459
2001-05-11 15:37:00 Natural treatments for adrenal disease YG3462
2001-05-11 15:38:00 Glenn Johnson herbal medicine YG3457
2001-05-11 16:05:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Situation Advice? YG3465
2001-05-11 16:30:00 Nightshifter vaginal discharge girl update YG3458
2001-05-11 17:06:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] RE: questions on lymphoma YG3468
2001-05-11 18:10:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Situation Advice? YG3473
2001-05-11 18:37:00 FURBALL109@AOL.COM Rabies Vaccine YG3476
2001-05-11 18:46:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Fleas YG3478
2001-05-11 19:03:00 FurTulsa Situation Advice? YG3460
2001-05-11 19:37:00 Mike Janke Re: Situation Advice? YG3461
2001-05-11 19:39:00 Alicia Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Situation Advice? YG3464
2001-05-11 19:42:00 Mike Janke Re: Natural treatments for adrenal disease YG3463
2001-05-11 19:47:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Situation Advice? YG3474
2001-05-11 20:39:00 FurTulsa Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Situation Advice? YG3466
2001-05-11 20:42:00 Mike Janke Re: Situation Advice? YG3467
2001-05-11 20:56:00 Mother Mannix [Ferret-Health-list] re on Skinny ferret starving YG3469
2001-05-11 21:10:00 FurTulsa [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Situation Advice? YG3470
2001-05-11 21:15:00 Mike Janke Re: Situation Advice? YG3472
2001-05-11 21:16:00 Sukie Crandall Talk about timing! Fur -- almost a year later! YG3471
2001-05-11 21:31:00 questions: blood results and treatment options? YG3481
2001-05-11 22:23:00 FurTulsa [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Situation Advice? YG3475
2001-05-11 22:39:00 repeated passing of blood YG3477
2001-05-11 23:03:00 Glenn Johnson Correction to prior post YG3479
2001-05-12 01:02:00 FurTulsa Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Situation Advice? YG3480
2001-05-12 02:56:00 Ferret "mystery illness" YG3483
2001-05-12 03:50:00 Steph Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Situation Advice? YG3482
2001-05-12 06:31:21 laugh alot [Ferret-Health-list] questions: blood results and treatment YG3492
2001-05-12 07:18:00 katharine Champ Update YG3484
2001-05-12 08:34:00 Re: questions on lymphoma-Dr. Murray YG3485
2001-05-12 11:07:00 Mildred Moore Red Penis YG3486
2001-05-12 11:41:00 Luckydog Natural remedies for oldster? YG3487
2001-05-12 11:47:00 Glomerulonefrite? YG3488
2001-05-12 13:20:00 Ulrike Barney sudden death- lymphosarcoma... YG3489
2001-05-12 13:20:00 Ulrike Barney PM and report + vet question... YG3490
2001-05-12 15:37:00 Sukie Crandall Re: Situation Advice? YG3491
2001-05-12 15:58:00 Mike Janke Re: questions: blood results and treatment options? YG3493
2001-05-12 16:37:00 Amy Gastric long does it take to see relief? YG3494
2001-05-12 17:56:00 Oh, THAT Devils Club! YG3495
2001-05-12 20:58:38 laugh alot [Ferret-Health-list] Re: questions: blood results and treatment YG3506
2001-05-12 23:02:00 Is there a treatment for liver disease? YG3496
2001-05-13 01:13:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Oh, THAT Devils Club! YG3497
2001-05-13 02:49:00 Lymphoma = bodily shutdown? YG3498
2001-05-13 07:57:00 deena vaccine question for the vets please YG3515
2001-05-13 08:21:00 Pat Andrews leukemia in ferrets and family health issues YG3581
2001-05-13 08:29:00 Re: repeated passing of blood YG3499
2001-05-13 10:39:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Triaminic YG3508
2001-05-13 11:22:00 Triaminic YG3500
2001-05-13 12:01:00 Mike Janke Re: Triaminic YG3501
2001-05-13 12:09:00 Katherine Kingsbury heart murmur detectable only under anesthetic YG3503
2001-05-13 13:21:00 Steph [Ferret-Health-list] Is there a treatment for liver YG3504
2001-05-13 13:46:00 Heather Sims What kind of Preventative measures are needed? YG3505
2001-05-13 14:29:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Triaminic YG3507
2001-05-13 14:43:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] What kind of Preventative measures YG3511
2001-05-13 15:19:00 Sukie Crandall Re: Oh, THAT Devils Club! YG3502
2001-05-13 15:23:00 Mistake in message YG3513
2001-05-13 16:48:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Natural remedies for oldster? YG3509
2001-05-13 17:50:00 sue Is there a vet out there right now? I need some help YG3510
2001-05-13 18:20:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] a treatment for liver disease YG3520
2001-05-13 18:34:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] RE: vaccine question YG3522
2001-05-13 18:43:00 TANSY [Ferret-Health-list] Is there a treatment for YG3512
2001-05-13 19:37:00 Dianna Saenz RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Triaminic YG3514
2001-05-13 20:41:00 Stu New rescues and a couple of problems YG3516
2001-05-13 21:06:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Is there a vet out there right now? I need some help YG3517
2001-05-13 21:51:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Barney PM and report + vet question... YG3518
2001-05-13 22:11:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Triaminic and ACETOMINOPHEN YG3519
2001-05-13 22:11:00 Sukie Crandall Re: Triaminic and ACETOMINOPHEN SG2007
2001-05-13 22:21:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Glomerulonefrite? YG3521
2001-05-13 22:33:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Lymphoma = bodily shutdown? YG3523
2001-05-13 23:05:00 "Diane Burman" Re: Is there a treatment for liver disease? SG2799
2001-05-13 23:05:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Is there a treatment for liver disease? YG3524
2001-05-13 23:11:00 Angela Stephenson Re: Triaminic and ACETOMINOPHEN YG4193
2001-05-13 23:19:00 Sukie Crandall RE: Is there a treatment for liver disease? YG3525
2001-05-13 23:37:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] RE: Is there a treatment for liver YG3526
2001-05-14 02:47:00 Sonya Grable calcium levels; blood tests & terms; etc.??? YG3529
2001-05-14 04:36:00 Nicole LEXEL Essiac & Electrolytes YG3530
2001-05-14 07:07:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Digest Number 180 YG3531
2001-05-14 08:00:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Digest Number 180 YG3535
2001-05-14 08:15:00 Our Ferret McKay is sick YG3527
2001-05-14 09:26:00 Maryi Mauney Update on Sable's quest ( against the big corporations ) YG3536
2001-05-14 09:49:00 ferret vet in FL panhandle? YG3532
2001-05-14 10:39:00 Jacqueline Snyder ECE and/or Irritable Bowel Syndrome? YG3533
2001-05-14 11:18:00 Sukie Crandall RE: RE: Is there a treatment for liver disease? YG3528
2001-05-14 11:26:00 Donna Lee To All Who Have Lost their Little Fuzzies...... YG3537
2001-05-14 12:11:00 Insulinoma -I need ANSWERS! YG3534
2001-05-14 12:51:00 sue Is there a vet near Okeechobee, fl YG3539
2001-05-14 13:01:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Insulinoma -I need ANSWERS! YG3538
2001-05-14 13:15:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Essiac & Electrolytes YG3541
2001-05-14 13:16:00 Steph [Ferret-Health-list] vaccine question for the vets YG3540
2001-05-14 13:23:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Insulinoma -I need ANSWERS! YG3543
2001-05-14 13:23:00 Melissa Advice sought on oral cyst or tumor YG3542
2001-05-14 13:31:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Digest Number 180 YG3547
2001-05-14 13:35:00 Steve Austin Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Essiac & Electrolytes YG3544
2001-05-14 13:48:00 Michele Abel Focer Prayers needed for Snooper YG3558
2001-05-14 14:00:00 M D Question about a swollen vulva YG3546
2001-05-14 14:05:00 Sidsel L. Espersen [Ferret-Health-list] ECE and/or Irritable Bowel YG3545
2001-05-14 14:10:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Insulinoma -I need ANSWERS! YG3552
2001-05-14 15:06:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re:a treatment for liver disease YG3559
2001-05-14 16:56:00 Rae Edmiston scary coughing/wheezing YG3548
2001-05-14 17:32:00 Mike Janke Re: Insulinoma -I need ANSWERS! YG3549
2001-05-14 17:48:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Advice sought on oral cyst or YG3551
2001-05-14 17:52:00 VERY SICK FERRET, PLEASE HELP YG3550
2001-05-14 18:18:00 M D swollen vulva YG3553
2001-05-14 18:20:00 molly smith YG3554
2001-05-14 18:24:00 Georgia Re: vaccine question for the vets please YG3556
2001-05-14 18:34:00 Russell Prater Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Insulinoma -I need ANSWERS! YG3555
2001-05-14 18:41:00 Russell Prater Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Question about a swollen vulva YG3557
2001-05-14 19:27:00 2nd request; repeated passing of blood YG3560
2001-05-14 20:01:00 katharine Another New Experience YG3562
2001-05-14 20:44:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] New rescues and a couple of YG3564
2001-05-14 21:46:00 Steve Austin Re: [Ferret-Health-list] calcium levels; blood tests & YG3565
2001-05-14 21:49:00 possible adrenal disease YG3563
2001-05-14 21:55:00 Sukie Crandall calcium levels; blood tests & terms; etc.??? YG3561
2001-05-14 22:12:00 Mother Mannix [Ferret-Health-list] Another New Experience YG3569
2001-05-14 22:16:00 Sukie Crandall Re: vaccine question for the vets please YG3566
2001-05-14 22:30:00 Sukie Crandall Re: ECE and/or Irritable Bowel Syndrome? YG3567
2001-05-14 22:39:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Another New Experience YG3570
2001-05-14 23:07:00 Sukie Crandall Re: vaccine question for the vets please YG3568
2001-05-14 23:12:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Advice sought on oral cyst or tumor YG3571
2001-05-14 23:22:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: vaccine question for the vets please YG3572
2001-05-14 23:30:00 Bruce Williams, DVM YG3573
2001-05-15 02:33:00 A. Abate/C. Kinsey To Katharine re swollen vulva YG3574
2001-05-15 02:40:00 A. Abate/C. Kinsey veterinary endocrinologist YG3578
2001-05-15 03:10:00 Ferretworld [Ferret-Health-list] Advice sought on oral cyst or tumor YG3575
2001-05-15 04:24:00 Jayson Buddy sez "thanks" YG3576
2001-05-15 05:52:00 Linda Iroff re: safe carpet cleaners YG3577
2001-05-15 06:13:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] VERY SICK FERRET, PLEASE HELP YG3585
2001-05-15 06:27:00 Steph [Ferret-Health-list] Re: vaccine question for the YG3579
2001-05-15 06:53:00 Chris Lloyd Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Steam Cleaning YG3580
2001-05-15 07:46:00 Steph [Ferret-Health-list] Re: vaccine question for the YG3582
2001-05-15 08:17:00 Russell Prater Re: [Ferret-Health-list] possible adrenal disease YG3583
2001-05-15 08:31:00 Diana Ashton ear infection YG3584
2001-05-15 08:47:00 (no subject) YG3591
2001-05-15 10:35:00 Troy Lynn Eckart Lupron Depot (4 month) YG3587
2001-05-15 10:37:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Items ordering from Revival YG3595
2001-05-15 11:16:00 ProPlan Turkey Barley Nutrition Info YG3588
2001-05-15 11:17:00 Sarlett fever/Dr Williams YG3586
2001-05-15 11:24:00 Re: ferret vet in FL panhandle? YG3589
2001-05-15 13:01:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Steam Cleaning YG3590
2001-05-15 13:10:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Sarlett fever/Dr Williams YG3592
2001-05-15 13:17:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Lupron Depot (4 month) YG3593
2001-05-15 13:45:00 Thank you / Chronic Active Lymphocytic...?? YG3605
2001-05-15 13:48:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] multiple questions from Christine YG3594
2001-05-15 14:05:00 MGILists-VA Scarlet fever YG3612
2001-05-15 15:30:00 Blue skin YG3611
2001-05-15 15:39:00 Steve Austin Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: vaccine question for the vets YG3596
2001-05-15 15:48:00 YG3610
2001-05-15 16:09:00 Ferretwise Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Is there a vet near Okeechobee, fl YG3598
2001-05-15 16:14:00 katharine Re: Another New Experience YG3597
2001-05-15 16:27:00 Mike Janke Re: Lupron Depot (4 month) YG3599
2001-05-15 16:48:00 Troy Lynn Eckart Re: Lupron depot and rug cleaners YG3600
2001-05-15 16:49:00 Stewart Marlow's vet visit, he has heartworms - RE: New Rescues YG3601
2001-05-15 16:49:00 Russell Prater Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Lupron Depot (4 month) YG3602
2001-05-15 17:00:00 Stewart Re: New rescues and a couple of problems YG3603
2001-05-15 17:14:00 sue re: ferret vet near Okeechobee/Thanks all YG3604
2001-05-15 17:28:00 Hair loss on back feet YG3617
2001-05-15 17:39:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] ear infection YG3606
2001-05-15 18:22:00 Ferret Dragging Bum? YG3608
2001-05-15 18:23:00 Linda Iroff re: 4 month Lupron YG3607
2001-05-15 18:25:00 Tracey Greene a question for the vets? YG3609
2001-05-15 19:13:00 Help..Sick ferret ECE, Adrenal Disease, possible Insulanoma YG3615
2001-05-15 20:00:00 Re: Blue skin YG3616
2001-05-15 20:36:00 Sukie Crandall Re: no subject YG3613
2001-05-15 20:44:00 Sukie Crandall a request YG3614
2001-05-16 00:19:00 Steve Austin Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Ferret Dragging Bum? YG3618
2001-05-16 06:18:00 (no subject) YG3622
2001-05-16 07:40:00 Bonnie Okay to have Ivermectin shot the day before Rabies & YG3620
2001-05-16 08:29:00 Steve Austin Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Help..Sick ferret ECE, Adrenal YG3619
2001-05-16 10:05:00 Bruce Gaylord Re: Lupron Depot (4 month) YG3621
2001-05-16 11:05:00 Ferret Poop YG3626
2001-05-16 13:08:00 Urgent Bandit needs help again YG3629
2001-05-16 13:52:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] RE: Andro YG3633
2001-05-16 14:03:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list]RE: ProPlan Turkey Barley Nutrition YG3635
2001-05-16 14:22:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: veterinary endocrinologist YG3638
2001-05-16 14:29:00 Tracey Greene ferret urine cytology YG3623
2001-05-16 14:44:00 Mike Janke Re: Lupron Depot (4 month) YG3624
2001-05-16 14:46:00 Exposing ferrets to cleaning products YG3625
2001-05-16 15:37:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Okay to have Ivermectin shot the YG3627
2001-05-16 16:56:00 Sukie Crandall Re: Marlow's vet visit, he has heartworms - RE: New Rescues YG3628
2001-05-16 17:13:00 Russell Prater Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Lupron Depot (4 month) YG3630
2001-05-16 17:44:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: a question for the vets? YG3631
2001-05-16 17:48:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: ear infection YG3632
2001-05-16 17:52:00 RE: NYC HEALTH DEPT Digest Number 185 YG3652
2001-05-16 17:53:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: veterinary endocrinologist YG3634
2001-05-16 18:09:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: leukemia in ferrets and family health issues YG3636
2001-05-16 18:20:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Sarlett fever/Dr Williams YG3637
2001-05-16 18:26:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Another New Experience YG3639
2001-05-16 18:32:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Marlow's vet visit, he has heartworms - RE: New Rescues YG3640
2001-05-16 18:37:00 Barb Mitchell My Little One YG3642
2001-05-16 18:40:00 Sukie Crandall Re: Ferret Dragging Bum? YG3641
2001-05-16 19:28:00 Nightshifter surgery preparations YG3650
2001-05-16 19:30:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Thank you / Chronic Active Lymphocytic...?? YG3643
2001-05-16 19:43:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Help..Sick ferret ECE, Adrenal Disease, possible YG3644
2001-05-16 19:45:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Hair loss on back feet YG3645
2001-05-16 19:47:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Help..Sick ferret ECE, Adrenal Disease, possible YG3646
2001-05-16 19:49:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Okay to have Ivermectin shot the day before Rabies & YG3647
2001-05-16 19:56:00 The Divide Homeowners Assoc. YG3651
2001-05-16 20:48:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Urgent Bandit needs help again YG3648
2001-05-16 20:57:00 Sukie Crandall Re: My Little One YG3649
2001-05-16 21:51:00 Diana Ashton ear mite med query YG3653
2001-05-16 22:57:00 StarAngels update on Skinny Minny (Snowball) YG3654
2001-05-17 00:54:00 Need Help! Ferret had accident this morning! YG3659
2001-05-17 01:44:00 Chris Lloyd Re: [Ferret-Health-list] surgery preparations YG3655
2001-05-17 03:03:00 katharine Emma YG3656
2001-05-17 03:37:00 Ferretworld Ferrets & peanuts YG3657
2001-05-17 05:41:00 Please Help YG3658
2001-05-17 06:41:00 Russell Prater Re: [Ferret-Health-list] ear mite med query YG3660
2001-05-17 06:47:00 Russell Prater Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Ferrets & peanuts YG3664
2001-05-17 07:07:00 Connie Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: My Little One YG3668
2001-05-17 07:35:00 Mary R. Shefferman Re: NYC HEALTH DEPT Digest Number 185 YG3661
2001-05-17 07:40:00 Mary R. Shefferman Re: Emma YG3662
2001-05-17 07:44:00 Sidsel L. Espersen RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Ferrets & peanuts YG3663
2001-05-17 07:51:00 Mary R. Shefferman Re: Ferrets & peanuts YG3665
2001-05-17 07:56:00 Mary R. Shefferman Re: ear mite med query YG3666
2001-05-17 08:52:00 Chris Lloyd Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Ferrets & peanuts YG3667
2001-05-17 09:14:00 Jacqueline Snyder urine test reference? YG3669
2001-05-17 09:27:00 Alicia re: peanut brittle YG3672
2001-05-17 09:28:00 Maggie's Farm Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Ferrets & peanuts YG3670
2001-05-17 09:29:00 Pam Sessoms Searching the Archives YG3671
2001-05-17 10:24:00 Steve Austin Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Ferrets & peanuts YG3676
2001-05-17 11:19:00 Steve Austin Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Need Help! Ferret had accident YG3677
2001-05-17 11:34:00 Sukie Crandall Re: YG3673
2001-05-17 11:39:00 Sukie Crandall Re: Please Help YG3674
2001-05-17 12:09:00 Sukie Crandall Re: Need Help! Ferret had accident this morning! YG3675
2001-05-17 12:11:00 Are we over vaccinating our ferrets? YG3683
2001-05-17 12:25:00 Re: Need Help! Ferret had accident this morning! YG3678
2001-05-17 13:04:00 Dennis Jones Re: surgery preparations YG3680
2001-05-17 13:17:00 Christopher New Moderator on the FHL - Troy Lynn Eckart YG3679
2001-05-17 13:32:00 V. C. Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Please Help YG3682
2001-05-17 14:04:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Please Help YG3681
2001-05-17 14:39:00 Tony O'Sullivan Jill in season YG3684
2001-05-17 14:59:00 Christopher Re: Are we over vaccinating our ferrets? YG3685
2001-05-17 15:08:00 Stewart Re: Marlow's vet visit, he has heartworms - RE: New Rescues YG3686
2001-05-17 15:33:00 Fasting Pre-op was Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Digest Number YG3691
2001-05-17 15:37:00 Re Skinny Ferret was Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Digest Number YG3695
2001-05-17 15:45:00 mandy meadows dirty teeth YG3687
2001-05-17 16:07:00 KEM192@WEBTV.NET Need some advice YG3688
2001-05-17 16:57:00 Mike Janke Re: Marlow's vet visit, he has heartworms YG3689
2001-05-17 17:03:00 swamp Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Are we over vaccinating our YG3690
2001-05-17 17:36:00 More Questions PLEASE Help..Sick ferret ECE, Adrenal YG3692
2001-05-17 17:50:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] dirty teeth YG3693
2001-05-17 19:21:00 Sonya Grable Thanks YG3694
2001-05-17 20:03:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Searching the Archives YG3696
2001-05-17 20:15:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: YG3697
2001-05-17 20:15:00 Amber adrenal disease possibilities YG3699
2001-05-17 20:58:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: More Questions PLEASE Help..Sick ferret ECE, Adrenal YG3698
2001-05-17 21:43:00 Barb Re: My Little One YG3701
2001-05-17 21:48:00 TANSY RE: Fasting Pre-op was YG3702
2001-05-17 21:56:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Are we over vaccinating our YG3703
2001-05-17 22:06:00 Sukie Crandall Re: Are we over vaccinating our ferrets? YG3700
2001-05-17 22:59:00 Christopher Re: adrenal disease possibilities YG3704
2001-05-17 23:11:00 Steve Austin Re: [Ferret-Health-list] repeated passing of blood YG3705
2001-05-18 00:27:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Ferret coats and adrenal (was YG3708
2001-05-18 01:26:00 Chris Lloyd Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Are we over vaccinating our YG3706
2001-05-18 03:13:00 Christopher Ferret coats and adrenal (was repeated passing of blood) YG3707
2001-05-18 06:03:00 IBD? YG3709
2001-05-18 07:09:00 Shortley, Lisa Insulinoma - final treatments? YG3710
2001-05-18 07:18:00 Pam Sessoms Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Ferret coats and adrenal YG3711
2001-05-18 07:40:00 Update on ferret who got his head stuck in paper towel roll YG3717
2001-05-18 09:32:00 Michele Abel Focer Surgery Success!!! YG3712
2001-05-18 09:43:00 Michele Abel Focer Post surgery litter box alteration YG3713
2001-05-18 11:10:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Are we over vaccinating our YG3727
2001-05-18 11:29:00 Melissa Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Ferret coats and adrenal YG3714
2001-05-18 11:30:00 Melissa Midwest Cryosurgery Vet? YG3715
2001-05-18 11:35:00 Ulrike Can ferrets get worms? YG3716
2001-05-18 12:36:00 Sandy Adams Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Digest Number 189 YG3718
2001-05-18 12:57:00 Stewart Question for the vets regarding CHX Guard LA YG3719
2001-05-18 13:10:00 Re: IBD? YG3720
2001-05-18 13:17:00 Ferretworld Peanuts & ferrets YG3721
2001-05-18 13:25:00 Steve Austin Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Ferret coats and adrenal (was YG3722
2001-05-18 14:14:00 Joy Jarrett Excessive Itching YG3723
2001-05-18 15:12:00 Sukie Crandall Re: Ferret coats and adrenal (was repeated passing of YG3724
2001-05-18 15:20:00 alicia using ivermectin, questions YG3728
2001-05-18 15:39:00 Sukie Crandall was Re: Ferret coats and adrenal; now adrenal scale YG3725
2001-05-18 15:44:00 Re: 2nd request; repeated passing of blood YG3729
2001-05-18 15:53:00 Sukie Crandall Re: Post surgery litter box alteration YG3726
2001-05-18 16:25:00 Christopher Re: Ferret coats and adrenal (was repeated passing of YG3730
2001-05-18 16:31:00 Michele Abel Focer RE: Post surgery Poop YG3731
2001-05-18 17:45:00 Re: Are we over vaccinating our ferrets? YG3734
2001-05-18 19:30:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] RE: ivermectin questions YG3738
2001-05-18 19:55:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Are we over vaccinating our YG3739
2001-05-18 20:35:00 Psalm 366 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] using ivermectin, questions YG3732
2001-05-18 21:30:00 B Dr. Williams, please advise YG3733
2001-05-18 22:37:00 I need a little ferret help. YG3735
2001-05-18 22:56:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Please Help YG3747
2001-05-18 23:00:00 Re: Are we over vaccinating our ferrets? YG3736
2001-05-18 23:11:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Can ferrets get worms? YG3737
2001-05-18 23:28:00 Donna Lee Re: [Ferret-Health-list] I need a little ferret help. YG3741
2001-05-18 23:29:00 Donna Lee Re: [Ferret-Health-list] RE: Post surgery Poop YG3742
2001-05-18 23:59:00 Barb Re: Surgery Success!!! YG3743
2001-05-19 00:37:00 weezul Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Excessive Itching YG3744
2001-05-19 01:28:00 Re: Ferret Coats & Adrenal YG3745
2001-05-19 05:27:00 sue question re: vaccinations/3 year shots YG3748
2001-05-19 15:44:00 TANSY Re: [Ferret-Health-list] RE: ivermectin questions YG3750
2001-05-19 18:16:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Are we over vaccinating our YG3757
2001-05-19 18:54:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] RE: 3 year vaccines YG3755
2001-05-19 19:08:00 katharine Re: Are we over vaccinating our ferrets? YG3751
2001-05-19 20:49:00 Sukie Crandall Re: Are we over vaccinating our ferrets? YG3746
2001-05-19 21:30:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: question re: vaccinations/3 year shots YG3753
2001-05-19 21:42:00 Rae My ferrret is missing a toemail!!!!! YG3752
2001-05-19 21:56:00 Russell Prater Re: [Ferret-Health-list] My ferrret is missing a YG3754
2001-05-19 21:59:00 Russell Prater Re: [Ferret-Health-list] question re: vaccinations/3 year YG3756
2001-05-19 22:55:00 Amy and Jim Robbin Gentamician for a prolapsed rectum? YG3758
2001-05-19 23:39:00 TANSY [Ferret-Health-list] Gentamician for a prolapsed YG3759
2001-05-19 23:59:03 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] RE: more ivermectin questions YG3740
2001-05-20 00:38:00 Re: Gentamician for a prolapsed rectum? YG3760
2001-05-20 00:58:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Gentamician for a prolapsed rectum? YG3761
2001-05-20 01:03:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Bad amoxicillin dosage (was I need a little ferret help.) YG3762
2001-05-20 01:15:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Dr. Williams, please advise YG3763
2001-05-20 06:48:00 Attention: Dr. Williams-Bandit's Bloodwork YG3767
2001-05-20 07:16:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Digest Number 190 YG3770
2001-05-20 08:31:00 Sick Ferret YG3764
2001-05-20 09:03:00 Re: Gentamician for a prolapsed rectum? PLEASE READ YG3783
2001-05-20 09:15:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Are we over vaccinating our YG3784
2001-05-20 10:33:00 Bruce Gaylord Someone mentioned tetanus boosters YG3765
2001-05-20 10:36:00 19 nailed ferret YG3787
2001-05-20 10:37:00 MGILists-VA Re: ferret missing toenail YG3786
2001-05-20 10:43:00 Christopher Need a Vet YG3766
2001-05-20 10:58:00 Woolf and lymphosarcoma YG3768
2001-05-20 10:58:00 Tracey Greene Calcium oxalate crystals?? YG3769
2001-05-20 11:25:00 A. Abate/C. Kinsey [Ferret-Health-list] ProPlan Turkey Barley Nutrition Info YG3772
2001-05-20 11:26:00 Karen Kerns vomiting ferret YG3771
2001-05-20 11:30:00 A. Abate/C. Kinsey Foot callouses YG3773
2001-05-20 11:36:00 A. Abate/C. Kinsey Christina's Bandit with diarrhea YG3774
2001-05-20 11:48:00 A. Abate/C. Kinsey Preservation for necropsy YG3775
2001-05-20 11:53:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Digest Number 193 YG3798
2001-05-20 12:19:00 A. Abate/C. Kinsey RE: [Ferret-Health-list] ear infection YG3777
2001-05-20 12:22:00 A. Abate/C. Kinsey [Ferret-Health-list] Ferret Dragging Bum? YG3778
2001-05-20 12:27:00 Dianna Saenz RE: [Ferret-Health-list] using ivermectin, questions YG3779
2001-05-20 12:29:00 Christopher Need Vet Referals YG3776
2001-05-20 12:39:00 A. Abate/C. Kinsey [Ferret-Health-list] Re: veterinary endocrinologist YG3780
2001-05-20 12:50:00 Re: normal (abnormal?) blood values (was Digest Number 190) YG3781
2001-05-20 12:53:00 A. Abate/C. Kinsey [Ferret-Health-list] Barb and Bandit YG3782
2001-05-20 13:44:00 What's difference between ECE and heliocobacter and the YG3804
2001-05-20 14:10:00 A. Abate/C. Kinsey [Ferret-Health-list] Ferrets & peanuts YG3785
2001-05-20 14:39:00 Sonya Grable AFA Symposium in MA YG3788
2001-05-20 15:04:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Barb and Bandit YG3795
2001-05-20 15:23:00 Debra Thomason Re: Are we over vaccinating our ferrets? YG3796
2001-05-20 15:34:00 Debra Thomason Re: question re: vaccinations/3 year shots YG3797
2001-05-20 15:58:00 Sukie Crandall poster primer YG3789
2001-05-20 16:02:00 Nightshifter Urgent - Flea removal YG3799
2001-05-20 16:07:00 Sukie Crandall Re: Re: Please Help YG3790
2001-05-20 16:09:00 StarAngels Rabies? Can you tell? YG3800
2001-05-20 16:14:00 Gagging/vomiting ferret was Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Digest YG3815
2001-05-20 16:15:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Digest Number 193 YG3816
2001-05-20 16:18:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Digest Number 193 YG3817
2001-05-20 16:19:00 Sukie Crandall Re: My ferrret is missing a toemail!!!!! YG3791
2001-05-20 16:20:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Digest Number 193 YG3818
2001-05-20 16:28:00 Re Bleeding Nail was Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Digest Number YG3819
2001-05-20 16:31:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Digest Number 194 YG3820
2001-05-20 16:51:00 Sukie Crandall Re: vomiting ferret YG3792
2001-05-20 17:03:00 Sukie Crandall Re: RE: Post surgery Poop YG3793
2001-05-20 17:03:00 Sukie Crandall Re: Ferret Coats & Adrenal YG3794
2001-05-20 17:10:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Sick Ferret YG3801
2001-05-20 17:27:00 Help YG3802
2001-05-20 17:27:00 alicia sick ferrets YG3803
2001-05-20 17:33:00 alicia great vet in WA YG3805
2001-05-20 18:10:00 katharine Need a Vet YG3806
2001-05-20 18:13:00 Regina Harrison Re: Need Vet Referals YG3807
2001-05-20 18:25:00 katharine My Vets YG3808
2001-05-20 18:29:00 katharine Chemo YG3809
2001-05-20 18:37:00 MGILists-VA Suggestions on getting ferret to eat?? YG3830
2001-05-20 18:53:00 MFN Another Gentamician question YG3810
2001-05-20 19:14:00 Re: Are we over vaccinating our ferrets? YG3840
2001-05-20 19:16:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Help YG3811
2001-05-20 19:22:00 Re: Sick Ferret YG3812
2001-05-20 19:24:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Urgent - Flea removal YG3814
2001-05-20 19:25:00 Susan D. YG3813
2001-05-20 20:24:00 Vet in Washington State YG3821
2001-05-20 20:39:00 Russell Prater Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Help YG3822
2001-05-20 20:43:00 Amber looking for vet in charleston, south carolina YG3823
2001-05-20 20:49:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Urgent - Flea removal YG3824
2001-05-20 20:55:00 Russell Prater Re: [Ferret-Health-list] sick ferrets YG3825
2001-05-20 21:02:00 Russell Prater Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Urgent - Flea removal YG3826
2001-05-20 21:36:00 Nightshifter Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Urgent - Flea removal YG3827
2001-05-20 22:08:00 weezul Query about strokes YG3828
2001-05-20 22:17:00 Mike Janke Searching the archives YG3829
2001-05-20 22:40:00 Lisa Ferret mom Ferret Vet YG3831
2001-05-20 22:43:00 E- Z Huston Jewell Christopher--vet list YG3832
2001-05-20 23:07:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Query about strokes YG3833
2001-05-20 23:15:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Another Gentamician question YG3834
2001-05-20 23:17:00 Lady In The Shoe [Ferret-Health-list] Suggestions on getting ferret YG3841
2001-05-20 23:19:00 Steve Austin Re: Gentamycin use YG3844
2001-05-20 23:23:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Preservation for necropsy YG3835
2001-05-20 23:29:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Rabies? Can you tell? YG3836
2001-05-20 23:30:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: poster primer YG3837
2001-05-20 23:32:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: AFA Symposium in MA YG3839
2001-05-20 23:33:00 Sukie Crandall Re: Rabies? Can you tell? YG3838
2001-05-20 23:39:00 Debra Thomason RE: Help (nail trimming YG3843
2001-05-20 23:46:00 Sukie Crandall more vets YG3842
2001-05-21 00:09:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Suggestions on getting ferret to YG3846
2001-05-21 00:14:00 Sukie Crandall Re: Re: Urgent - Flea removal YG3845
2001-05-21 00:16:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] RE: Help (nail trimming YG3849
2001-05-21 00:25:00 Sukie Crandall Re: Query about strokes YG3847
2001-05-21 00:33:00 Claire Curtis vetting vets YG3848
2001-05-21 01:16:00 dori garro ferret with neuro problems and more YG3850
2001-05-21 01:53:00 Re: AFA Symposium in MA YG3851
2001-05-21 06:36:00 DEE new vet YG3852
2001-05-21 08:44:00 Karen Purcell, DVM Re: Zues YG3853
2001-05-21 10:41:00 StarAngels [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Rabies? Can you tell? YG3860
2001-05-21 10:42:00 StarAngels [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Rabies? Can you tell? YG3859
2001-05-21 11:05:00 Public Relations Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Ferret Vet YG3855
2001-05-21 11:36:00 Rae Edmiston Thank you guys! YG3856
2001-05-21 11:44:00 Jacqueline Snyder Re:Query about strokes YG3857
2001-05-21 11:52:00 - Z - Re: Post surgery Poop YG3858
2001-05-21 11:53:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Digest Number 196 YG3863
2001-05-21 12:51:00 Kimberly Cox Vomitting Ferret :( YG3854
2001-05-21 14:26:00 StarAngels [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Rabies? Can you tell? YG3861
2001-05-21 15:29:00 Sukie Crandall Moderator's message: We all have responsibility to weigh YG3862
2001-05-21 15:38:00 Sukie Crandall more vets correction for lists YG3866
2001-05-21 16:01:00 petersen Vet References for St. Louis, Missouri area YG3864
2001-05-21 17:12:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Dr. Williams.. Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Rabies? Can you YG3865
2001-05-21 17:29:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] RE:vet in Georgia YG3867
2001-05-21 17:57:00 FurTulsa Vets For Tulsa OK YG3868
2001-05-21 18:19:00 Russell Prater Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Digest Number 196 YG3869
2001-05-21 18:25:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Digest Number 196 YG3872
2001-05-21 18:49:00 Need a vet in Yonkers, NY or Westchester County YG3874
2001-05-21 18:57:00 molly smith YG3870
2001-05-21 19:05:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] ferret with neuro problems and YG3873
2001-05-21 19:59:00 Re: Dr. Williams.. Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Rabies? Can YG3878
2001-05-21 20:05:00 Re: Dr. Williams.. Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Rabies? Can YG3879
2001-05-21 21:21:00 weezul For Dr Willard - Vitamin A levels (2nd posting) YG3871
2001-05-21 23:13:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: AFA Symposium in MA YG3875
2001-05-21 23:21:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Vomitting Ferret :( YG3876
2001-05-21 23:43:00 Adrenal cysts YG3877
2001-05-22 00:44:00 StarAngels Dr. Williams.. Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Rabies? Can you tell? YG3880
2001-05-22 06:11:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Need a vet in Yonkers, NY or YG3883
2001-05-22 06:16:00 Bruce Gaylord tick-borne Lyme disease a little off topic but may be of YG3881
2001-05-22 07:50:00 Questions on mating behavior - possible causes? YG3884
2001-05-22 09:00:00 Susan Prock Disseminated systemic plasmocytosis YG3882
2001-05-22 13:07:00 Troy Lynn Eckart Re: biting - letting go YG3893
2001-05-22 13:15:00 Katherine Kingsbury advantage and frontline... YG3887
2001-05-22 13:21:00 Pam Sessoms VET Referral Listing YG3888
2001-05-22 14:12:00 Russell Prater Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Disseminated systemic YG3889
2001-05-22 14:27:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] RE: Help (nail trimming YG3895
2001-05-22 15:10:00 Susan D. Zeus update YG3890
2001-05-22 15:30:00 Sukie Crandall Re: Query about strokes YG3885
2001-05-22 15:36:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Digest Number 196 YG3897
2001-05-22 15:44:00 Sukie Crandall techniques to let go YG3886
2001-05-22 16:13:00 Brett Middleton Re: vet in Georgia YG3891
2001-05-22 16:17:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] advantage and ticks. YG3892
2001-05-22 17:07:53 CRAIG JONES Re: biting - letting go YG4157
2001-05-22 18:08:00 good liquid diet? YG3896
2001-05-22 19:16:00 Amy and Jim Robbin Really, really bad diarrea---HELP!!!!!!!! YG3894
2001-05-22 19:56:00 G Kelley set your VCR for Wednesday, May 23rd TOMORROW YG3902
2001-05-22 21:27:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] good liquid diet? YG3899
2001-05-22 22:28:00 question on Lymphosarcoma YG3898
2001-05-22 23:08:00 Psalm 366 breeding problems YG3901
2001-05-22 23:24:00 Claire Curtis Vets? YG3903
2001-05-22 23:28:00 Noelle Bochichio Re: Need a vet in Yonkers, NY or Westchester County YG3900
2001-05-23 00:32:00 Kimberly Cox MEAN biting ferret! YG3904
2001-05-23 01:05:00 Wendy Briggs [Ferret-Health-list] set your VCR for Wednesday, May 23rd TOMORROW YG3915
2001-05-23 01:35:00 StarAngels [Ferret-Health-list] set your VCR for Wednesday, May 23rd TOMORROW YG3911
2001-05-23 01:44:00 Sidsel L. Espersen [Ferret-Health-list] VET Referral Listing YG3905
2001-05-23 02:13:00 Sharon B. Recommending A Vet YG3906
2001-05-23 02:20:00 RRC Bob C: Not Yet Quite Back Online; Herbs YG3907
2001-05-23 02:41:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: vet in Georgia YG3908
2001-05-23 06:03:00 Karen Purcell, DVM Re: Questions on mating behavior - possibl YG3910
2001-05-23 06:03:00 Karen Purcell, DVM Re:good liquid diet? YG3909
2001-05-23 07:36:00 Michele Abel Focer RE: Prayers needed YG3914
2001-05-23 09:31:00 Jacqueline Snyder rabies vaccinations for people YG3912
2001-05-23 09:55:00 Charlotte vet YG3913
2001-05-23 10:42:00 question for vets-type of anesthesia YG3917
2001-05-23 11:21:00 Melissa Biopsy Results for oral cyst/tumor YG3916
2001-05-23 11:58:00 Rae Edmiston vet in Montana YG3921
2001-05-23 12:20:00 Russell Prater Re: [Ferret-Health-list] question for vets-type of YG3923
2001-05-23 12:26:00 - Z - Re: MEAN biting ferret! YG3920
2001-05-23 12:32:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] MEAN biting ferret! YG3927
2001-05-23 12:36:00 Pam Sessoms Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Charlotte vet YG3922
2001-05-23 13:52:00 Sukie Crandall breeding problems YG3918
2001-05-23 13:57:00 Sukie Crandall explanations: "looks like stroke", numerics, teeth YG3919
2001-05-23 15:01:00 Michele Abel Focer RE: Jessi's surgery YG3924
2001-05-23 15:38:00 Jacqueline Snyder What Bob C said about corn YG3925
2001-05-23 16:12:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list]RE: ProPlan Turkey Barley Nutrition YG3926
2001-05-23 16:21:00 Vicky another question on mating behavior YG3928
2001-05-23 18:23:00 [Ferret-Health-list]RE: Question about a swollen vulva YG3938
2001-05-23 18:33:00 Crying while urinating YG3931
2001-05-23 18:38:00 Re:good liquid diet?/other treatment YG3932
2001-05-23 18:46:00 [Ferret-Health-list]RE: 2nd request; repeated passing of YG3939
2001-05-23 18:55:00 rebecca klein Re: [Ferret-Health-list] MEAN biting ferret! YG3933
2001-05-23 18:55:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] possible adrenal disease YG3940
2001-05-23 19:01:00 katharine Re: rabies vaccinations for people YG3934
2001-05-23 19:20:00 [Ferret-Health-list]RE: calcium levels; blood tests, YG3943
2001-05-23 19:22:00 TANSY Anna the Wonder Vet YG3935
2001-05-23 19:37:00 [Ferret-Health-list]RE: Hair loss on back feet YG3944
2001-05-23 20:08:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Vets in N.H.? YG3945
2001-05-23 20:09:00 More Ferrets?!? Re: Questions on mating behavior YG3936
2001-05-23 20:12:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re:good liquid diet? YG3946
2001-05-23 20:16:00 Need Advice Quick!!! YG3929
2001-05-23 20:20:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Questions on mating YG3947
2001-05-23 20:25:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list]RE: ProPlan Turkey Barley Nutrition YG3948
2001-05-23 20:30:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] another question on mating YG3949
2001-05-23 20:43:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] breeding problems YG3937
2001-05-23 20:45:00 Mike Janke Re: Need Advice Quick!!! YG3930
2001-05-23 22:39:00 Donna Lee Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Need Advice Quick!!! YG3941
2001-05-23 22:44:00 Donna Lee Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Crying while urinating YG3942
2001-05-23 22:48:00 Steve Austin Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Really, really bad YG3950
2001-05-24 00:04:00 Psalm 366 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Questions on mating behavior - YG3951
2001-05-24 00:31:00 Bruiser/Cyro surgery today/Thursday YG3952
2001-05-24 06:01:00 katharine Emma & Champ YG3953
2001-05-24 06:23:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Digest Number 201 YG3954
2001-05-24 06:44:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Really, really bad YG3955
2001-05-24 10:49:00 [Ferret-Health-list]RE: Bandit- Digest Number 201 YG3956
2001-05-24 14:53:00 Noah's Ark NH Vets YG3957
2001-05-24 16:50:00 Diana Ashton donated food YG3958
2001-05-24 17:21:00 StarAngels Bandit rush to vet and what is salmon disease YG3959
2001-05-24 18:34:00 Betty Blue Ferret Syndrome YG3960
2001-05-24 18:38:00 Mike Janke Re: Blue Ferret Syndrome YG3961
2001-05-24 18:52:00 Melissa Adrenal aggression/sexual behavior question YG3962
2001-05-24 21:58:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Bandit rush to vet and what is salmon disease YG3963
2001-05-24 23:26:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: question for vets-type of anesthesia YG3964
2001-05-25 00:16:00 Re: Adrenal aggression/sexual behavior question YG3965
2001-05-25 00:27:00 StarAngels [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Bandit rush to vet and what is salmon YG3966
2001-05-25 00:44:00 Stephanie Need some support and figures YG3967
2001-05-25 01:06:00 Steve Austin Re: broken tooth YG3968
2001-05-25 01:32:00 Mahri Shelton Chicken Baby Food and Renal Failure YG3969
2001-05-25 05:47:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: broken tooth YG3974
2001-05-25 06:31:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: broken tooth #2 YG3975
2001-05-25 07:47:00 Mike Janke Re: broken tooth YG3970
2001-05-25 09:11:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Digest Number 193/Oxalate crystals YG3971
2001-05-25 11:26:00 Teena Austin High Calcium Level and Lymphosarcoma YG3976
2001-05-25 13:06:00 Dandelions & Ferrets YG3977
2001-05-25 13:26:00 Michele Abel Focer RE:Post surgery nutrition YG3978
2001-05-25 13:34:00 Sukie Crandall Have you seen these adrenal behaviors, or friable small YG3972
2001-05-25 15:10:00 Ulrike Re: broken tooth YG3979
2001-05-25 15:27:00 NH Vet YG3986
2001-05-25 15:37:00 NCF Vaginal Tumor? YG3980
2001-05-25 15:46:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] High Calcium Level and YG3987
2001-05-25 16:23:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Dandelions & Ferrets YG3988
2001-05-25 16:57:00 Sukie Crandall Essiac YG3973
2001-05-25 16:59:00 What's difference between ECE and heliocobacter and the YG3990
2001-05-25 17:14:00 Re: insulinoma surgery outcomes YG3992
2001-05-25 18:17:00 katharine Emma YG3981
2001-05-25 18:52:00 Amy and Jim Robbin Moose's Prolapsed rectum and Diarrea YG3982
2001-05-25 18:58:00 Amy and Jim Robbin Insulinoma surgery/BG 70 YG3983
2001-05-25 19:15:00 Stephanie [Ferret-Health-list] Insulinoma surgery/BG 70 YG3985
2001-05-25 19:15:00 Vet in the Corpus Christi area YG3984
2001-05-25 19:43:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Dandelions & Ferrets YG4003
2001-05-25 20:51:00 Re: broken tooth YG3989
2001-05-25 20:59:00 Bruiser made it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YG3991
2001-05-25 21:30:00 Russell Prater Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Dandelions & Ferrets YG3993
2001-05-25 21:38:00 Russell Prater Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Insulinoma surgery/BG 70 YG3994
2001-05-25 21:41:00 Stephanie Icabod's Insulinoma Surgery YG3995
2001-05-25 23:02:00 Susan D. Zeus update; what are normal temps? YG4001
2001-05-25 23:04:00 Sukie Crandall Re: broken tooth YG3996
2001-05-25 23:16:00 Sukie Crandall Re: Dandelions & Ferrets YG3997
2001-05-25 23:24:00 dori garro elevated calcium YG4002
2001-05-25 23:26:00 Sukie Crandall Re: broken tooth YG3998
2001-05-25 23:46:00 Sukie Crandall Re: What's difference between ECE and heliocobacter and the YG3999
2001-05-25 23:54:00 Sukie Crandall Sometimes someone who claims to be me isn't me YG4000
2001-05-26 00:08:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Vaginal Tumor? YG4004
2001-05-26 02:04:00 The Divide Homeowners Assoc. Oliver, Please Help!! YG4005
2001-05-26 03:16:00 Amber Mucous poop - comes and goes???? YG4006
2001-05-26 05:18:00 RE:Have you seen these adrenal behaviors, or friable small YG4007
2001-05-26 05:39:00 Insulinoma surgery/BG 70 YG4008
2001-05-26 12:09:00 Mable's Jaw and possible tumors YG4018
2001-05-26 12:54:00 Ulrike Spleen question YG4009
2001-05-26 13:22:00 Ulrike Re: broken tooth YG4010
2001-05-26 14:13:00 1BigDog - Rick Update on Grizzly (Griz) YG4011
2001-05-26 14:32:00 Mike Janke Re: Spleen question YG4012
2001-05-26 14:42:00 NCF Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Vaginal Tumor? YG4015
2001-05-26 14:42:00 rebecca klein Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Dandelions & Ferrets YG4014
2001-05-26 14:59:00 Sukie Crandall poisonous plants YG4013
2001-05-26 15:15:00 Russell Prater Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Spleen question YG4017
2001-05-26 15:27:00 Russell Prater Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Vaginal Tumor? YG4016
2001-05-26 18:05:00 Stephanie Icobod is home!! YG4019
2001-05-26 22:24:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Spleen question YG4020
2001-05-26 22:28:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Icabod's Insulinoma Surgery YG4021
2001-05-26 22:32:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: elevated calcium YG4022
2001-05-26 23:04:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Chicken Baby Food and Renal Failure YG4023
2001-05-26 23:20:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Mable's Jaw and possible tumors YG4024
2001-05-26 23:40:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: What's difference between ECE and heliocobacter and the YG4025
2001-05-26 23:51:00 Teena Austin Re: elevated calcium YG4026
2001-05-26 23:55:00 Debra Thomason Vet in the Corpus Christi area YG4027
2001-05-27 00:07:00 Debra Thomason RE: Zeus update; what are normal temps? YG4028
2001-05-27 00:13:00 Renee Ferret with a cold. YG4029
2001-05-27 00:40:00 Steve Austin Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Oliver, Please Help!! YG4031
2001-05-27 00:40:00 Rhea Fulmer Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Oliver, Please Help!! YG4030
2001-05-27 01:30:00 Bruce Gaylord Lawn chemicals?? Re: Re: Dandelions & Ferrets -- semi on YG4032
2001-05-27 02:06:00 Bruce Gaylord Lupron is the following information correct YG4033
2001-05-27 06:21:00 Bandit's Bloodwork-third post YG4035
2001-05-27 08:41:00 Mike Janke Re: Lupron is the following information correct YG4034
2001-05-27 09:51:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Ferret with a cold. YG4039
2001-05-27 10:08:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Lawn chemicals (oops) YG4040
2001-05-27 11:01:00 Russell Prater Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Lupron is the following YG4036
2001-05-27 11:23:00 Linda Iroff more on Lupron dosages YG4037
2001-05-27 12:16:00 Melissa Re: [Ferret-Health-list] High Calcium Level and YG4038
2001-05-27 14:35:00 Maryi Mauney possible broken toe YG4041
2001-05-27 15:15:00 katharine Soup YG4042
2001-05-27 15:20:00 katharine Emma YG4043
2001-05-27 16:29:00 spindle cell sarcoma YG4044
2001-05-27 16:59:00 flagil YG4045
2001-05-27 18:47:00 Ulrike Re: Spleen question YG4047
2001-05-27 19:37:00 Chronic diarrhea YG4048
2001-05-27 19:41:00 Angela Stephenson Catarac Question YG4049
2001-05-27 20:25:00 Tracey Greene Sevoflurane YG4050
2001-05-27 21:33:00 Sukie Crandall heating pad precaution YG4046
2001-05-27 22:34:00 Sukie Crandall Re: Lawn chemicals?? Re: Re: Dandelions & Ferrets -- semi YG4051
2001-05-28 00:12:00 Joy Galey How can I tell if its a cold or not. YG4052
2001-05-28 00:36:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Ferret with a cold. YG4053
2001-05-28 00:46:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: How can I tell if its a cold or not. YG4054
2001-05-28 00:58:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: spindle cell sarcoma YG4055
2001-05-28 02:28:00 Sydney Re: [Ferret-Health-list] How can I tell if its a cold or YG4057
2001-05-28 02:55:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] How can I tell if its a cold or YG4056
2001-05-28 05:48:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: How can I tell if its a cold YG4067
2001-05-28 05:55:00 Opinion on Using FerretRx from MF YG4068
2001-05-28 06:41:00 Daniela we need help YG4065
2001-05-28 07:21:00 katharine Think Allergies YG4066
2001-05-28 07:30:00 TR1212@AOL.COM Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Help YG4071
2001-05-28 07:38:00 TR1212@AOL.COM Re: [Ferret-Health-list] great vet in WA YG4072
2001-05-28 07:48:00 TR1212@AOL.COM Re: [Ferret-Health-list] (unknown) YG4073
2001-05-28 08:01:00 TR1212@AOL.COM Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Vet in Washington State YG4074
2001-05-28 10:42:00 Bev Toney Signs of distemper, But its not? YG4069
2001-05-28 11:17:00 Claire Curtis re: Essiac YG4070
2001-05-28 11:31:00 Karen Purcell, DVM Re: Catarac Question YG4058
2001-05-28 13:30:00 Clinicare/Molasses YG4075
2001-05-28 13:38:00 TR1212@AOL.COM Re: [Ferret-Health-list] new vet YG4079
2001-05-28 13:49:00 Joy Galey Re: [Ferret-Health-list] How can I tell if its a cold or YG4076
2001-05-28 14:07:00 Maryi Mauney More info on foot and question about bruise? YG4077
2001-05-28 15:07:00 [Ferret-Health-list]RE: Oliver, Please Help!! YG4059
2001-05-28 15:27:00 [Ferret-Health-list] RE: Spleen question YG4060
2001-05-28 15:36:00 [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Vaginal Tumor surgery YG4061
2001-05-28 15:38:00 katharine Dyne YG4078
2001-05-28 15:58:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Emma + Levamisole YG4063
2001-05-28 16:08:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Bandit's Bloodwork-third post YG4064
2001-05-28 17:21:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Allergy medications YG4084
2001-05-28 17:24:00 Karen Purcell, DVM Re: Signs of distemper, But its not? YG4081
2001-05-28 17:34:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] RE:Fractured leg bone YG4086
2001-05-28 17:47:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] new vet YG4087
2001-05-28 18:23:00 Alexis and Jason orange scaley stuff YG4080
2001-05-28 19:45:00 Sukie Crandall Re: How can I tell if its a cold or not: not, and our YG4062
2001-05-28 19:47:00 Fractured leg bone YG4082
2001-05-28 21:04:00 FurTulsa Re: pseudoephedrine YG4083
2001-05-28 21:20:00 Christopher Re: pseudoephedrine YG4085
2001-05-28 21:58:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Fractured leg bone YG4089
2001-05-28 21:58:00 Russell Prater Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Clinicare/Molasses YG4088
2001-05-28 22:17:00 Worried about new baby YG4090
2001-05-28 22:56:00 Steve Austin Re: Cold meds YG4091
2001-05-28 23:15:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Bandit's Bloodwork-third post YG4092
2001-05-28 23:18:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: How can I tell if its a cold or not. YG4093
2001-05-28 23:27:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Fractured leg bone YG4094
2001-05-29 00:03:00 Claire Curtis Galaxy? YG4095
2001-05-29 05:43:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Think Allergies YG4098
2001-05-29 07:45:00 Joy Galey Need Good Vet Dayton Ohio YG4096
2001-05-29 08:40:00 Re: Galaxy? YG4097
2001-05-29 10:08:00 Stormy Weather Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Soup YG4101
2001-05-29 10:52:00 Russell Prater Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Galaxy? YG4099
2001-05-29 10:53:00 Christopher Clearing up the Pseudoephedrine thread YG4100
2001-05-29 11:37:00 Troy Lynn Eckart Re: diarrhea, stuffy noses YG4102
2001-05-29 11:53:00 Troy Lynn Eckart Laser surgery YG4103
2001-05-29 12:30:00 cholangiohepatitis YG4104
2001-05-29 13:45:00 Sukie Crandall apologies YG4105
2001-05-29 14:10:00 Re: Ferret with a broken leg YG4107
2001-05-29 14:26:00 Sukie Crandall Re: Galaxy? YG4106
2001-05-29 16:53:00 FURBALL109@AOL.COM Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Ferret with a broken leg YG4109
2001-05-29 19:45:00 Karen Purcell, DVM Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Laser surgery YG4112
2001-05-29 19:54:00 Karen Purcell, DVM Re: something besides insulinoma?? YG4113
2001-05-29 20:03:00 something besides insulinoma?? YG4108
2001-05-29 21:07:00 Regina J. Hart OT: Equine/Large Animal Emergency Rescue Training YG4110
2001-05-29 21:09:00 ferretfanatic Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Galaxy? YG4111
2001-05-29 23:55:00 Re: Ferret with a broken leg YG4114
2001-05-30 00:27:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Ferret with a broken leg YG4115
2001-05-30 00:31:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Galaxy? YG4116
2001-05-30 02:52:00 Stephanie one eye closed? YG4119
2001-05-30 03:36:00 Natasha Mohr Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: Galaxy? YG4117
2001-05-30 03:39:00 Natasha Mohr Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Sevoflurane YG4118
2001-05-30 05:49:00 Sonya Grable reference range for USG? YG4120
2001-05-30 10:29:00 Kris McDevitt 2nd opinion please YG4121
2001-05-30 11:06:00 Lynda Galloway Re: OK ? YG4122
2001-05-30 11:17:00 Shortley, Lisa estrodial question YG4123
2001-05-30 13:10:00 Mike Janke Re: 2nd opinion please YG4124
2001-05-30 13:15:00 Mike Janke Re: something besides insulinoma?? YG4125
2001-05-30 13:39:00 JLO [Ferret-Health-list] estrodial question YG4126
2001-05-30 13:49:00 JLO Re: [Ferret-Health-list] 2nd opinion please YG4127
2001-05-30 15:20:00 Re: Adrenal cysts YG4128
2001-05-30 15:26:00 Joy Galey What do I do? YG4129
2001-05-30 16:04:00 mitral valve insufficiency & adrenal - surgery? YG4130
2001-05-30 16:35:00 Jacqueline Snyder kennel cough? YG4131
2001-05-30 16:38:00 Looking for ferret vet in Dover Delaware area YG4136
2001-05-30 16:51:00 Joy Galey Ferret Shows YG4132
2001-05-30 19:10:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: one eye closed? YG4147
2001-05-30 19:38:00 Sukie Crandall Re: Soup YG4133
2001-05-30 19:56:00 Mike Janke Re: Ferret Shows YG4134
2001-05-30 20:02:00 Sukie Crandall need duct tape to tie her down... YG4135
2001-05-30 20:41:00 katharine Answers or Not YG4137
2001-05-30 20:50:00 Re: [Ferret-Health-list] food/fur loss YG4153
2001-05-30 22:35:00 Mike Janke Re: one eye closed? YG4138
2001-05-30 22:47:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: 2nd opinion please YG4139
2001-05-30 22:51:00 Psalm 366 food/fur loss YG4141
2001-05-30 22:52:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: Adrenal cysts YG4140
2001-05-30 22:58:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: cholangiohepatitis YG4142
2001-05-30 23:06:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: one eye closed? YG4143
2001-05-30 23:15:00 Mike Janke Re: food/fur loss YG4144
2001-05-30 23:17:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: kennel cough? YG4145
2001-05-30 23:24:00 Bruce Williams, DVM Re: reference range for USG? YG4146
2001-05-30 23:53:00 TANSY RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Galaxy? YG4150
2001-05-30 23:59:00 Red Vulva YG4148
2001-05-31 04:16:00 TR1212@AOL.COM Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Fractured leg bone YG4154
2001-05-31 07:52:00 Amy and Jim Robbin Ferret Incontinence YG4149
2001-05-31 08:00:00 Chris Lloyd Re: [Ferret-Health-list] kennel cough? YG4151
2001-05-31 08:12:00 Norm Re: What do I do? YG4152
2001-05-31 09:40:00 Canola oil YG4155
2001-05-31 12:22:00 Stephanie RE: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: One eye closed? YG4191
2001-05-31 13:00:00 Troy Lynn Eckart Laser surgery, vet visit YG4156
2001-05-31 13:03:00 Troy Lynn Eckart Smoother soup YG4158
2001-05-31 13:37:00 Stephanie [Ferret-Health-list] Ferret Incontinence YG4159
2001-05-31 14:05:00 Joy Galey Re: [Ferret-Health-list] Re: What do I do? YG4160
2001-05-31 15:09:00 Suzanne-Inez....Lily Hormone Injections YG4161
2001-05-31 15:59:00 swollen head? YG4162
2001-05-31 16:18:00 RRC Bob C: Back Online; Fractures in Wild Animals; Vet Costs YG4163
2001-05-31 16:38:00 estellejackson [Ferret-Health-list] Ferret Incontinence YG4164
2001-05-31 16:44:00 estellejackson speying YG4165
2001-05-31 18:42:00 Sonya Grable reference range for USG? YG4166
2001-05-31 19:18:00 Over heating YG4168